University of Ghana
The University of Ghana brings important competenceonpoverty related research and policy to the Development Research School. Read more about it below.

Research Environment
The University of Ghana provides and promotes university education, learning and research.
The university aims “to become a world class research-intensive University” by 2024. This is to be achieved by creating an environment conducive for high quality teaching and learning as well as state of the art research that is globally influential and contributes to the development of Ghana and Africa.
The former Vice Chancellor of University of Ghana, Professor Ernest Aryeetey, currently the Secretary-General of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), was awarded the 2020 honorary doctorat the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. Cooperation between Lund University and University of Ghana involves both research and education, including research education.
Since 2001, there has been a productive cooperation with the Institute of Social, Statistical and Economic Research (ISSER). ISSER, which is under the College of Humanities, has the mandate to conduct social sciences research aimed at generating solutions for Ghana’s development. As the research wing under the College of Humanities, ISSER has three main divisions (Economics, Survey and Statistics, and Social divisions) that engage in research for development, and has had considerable policy impact.
The university has identified priority focus areas such as interdisciplinary research into climate change adaptation, policy and poverty monitoring and evaluation, which will contribute to the development of the Development Research School.